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Frequently asked questions (or things people might want to know)


How was the book chosen?

Our initial committee read several wonderful books and thought this book was the winner.  It suited our needs of readers from K-12.  It offered a wide breadth of topics and it is not too long which means we can fit our project into a 2-week window.


How will this book suit grades K-12?

We believe that we have chosen a book that has dynamic characters and compelling themes that will be meaningful to many different students, regardless of age. We are excited to have teachers and administrators from every school in our district working together to help tailor our project to their students’ needs. Our goal is to create a shared reading experience across our district, and our chosen book has the potential to engage our diverse audience!


Does our school need to raise money?

No! Our hope is to raise the entire funds for the project so that money is no obstacle. However, if you have a great idea for a funding source please let us know!


Is this a novel study?

Definitely not. We hope to celebrate the power and joy of reading.We recognize that this program is not meant to meet any curricular outcomes. It is up to each school how the books are used, shared, and celebrated.


Can I share the name of the book?

Please don’t! We’d like to build hype around the project and reveal the name of the book to the students at the last moment.


Does this mean a ton of time from the classroom curriculum?

It doesn’t have to! One school, one book projects are meant to be done as reading projects with families. However, you know your school best! You should unfold the project as your school sees fit.


Where does the reading happen?

Again, this is up to you and your school. Could be home, class, at lunch, etc…


How do we include our non-English speaking families?

We will be creating resources such as recordings to help with this. We hope that the larger committee can come up with ideas to help with this.


Is it one book per family or per student?

Our goal is to raise enough money to buy one book for each student. This way, schools will have more flexibility and distribution becomes a bit easier. In the end, if students don’t wish to keep their books we can pass them onto other districts and support other projects.


There will always be more questions!  Please feel free to contact any members of the committee and we will do our best to get you the answers you need.

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